why must girls lie?
why must girls lie when they wanna end the relationship? why can't you just say that you don't love him anymore or something, rather than giving a stupid lame lie that everyone knows the whole truth behind it. i guess this is because girls think too much of their reputation, or maybe tak sampai hati. i know breaking up is awful but the guy will have to take it anyway. if you lie and give hope it will only make things worst. hope is the last thing any guy wants from a girl. so girls out there, just tell the truth. he might be sad for a few days but life goes on. i think this holiday thing is really making me unhealthy. today i woke up at 3pm. basically sat in front of the tv, changed channels every 2 minutes, then watched introduction to dorothy dandrige, it was a good movie! then buka puasa, watched coming to america for the 100th time. about 9-ish, went out for teh tarik. came back at 11pm and sat in front of the tv till 1. huargh! and now here i am. what am i doing?!?!?! this...