one.. person i'm going to miss the most. +faris two.. stupid things i said yesterday. +the saddest thing that happened to me is the death of my cat, suki. +the most important thing in my life is my computer. what a bimbo! three.. days i did not smoke. bravo! four.. days of holiday with my four girls. five.. days of misery and five hours of sleep for the last five days, in the jungle. blurgh! six.. of october is my birthday. this year i would not celebrate my barhtiak with the girls :( seven.. things to do before i leave +go dentist +go for facial +diving exam +watch movie +buy toiletries +celebrate my mum's barhtiak +farewell party eight.. months ago, i was very very happy. i wish i could freeze time. october is the best month of the year :) nine.. is the number of days i would have to go to the office. ten.. of july would be my last day at work. yahoooooooo!