sky is the limit

did i tell you that i moved? adopted to another family which is superduper cool beyond anything i can imagine. i was hoping to settle down in a terrace house, but i got offered to stay in a bungalow. what's there to complain? i'm grateful for what was offered to me. consider myself lucky. everything is starting to fall into places now. (i hope so) busy scheduling my holiday plans. not that i have a lot of money to go travel.. but i figured if i keep on saying i don't have money therefore i won't travel, then i won't. when i have money, i don't have time. if i have time, i don't have money. i'm just gonna go with it and just travel. so the hell with all the excuses. life is too short to take my own sweet time and think. the last time i took my time to think, i lost it. sometimes you need to lose something to realise how much you want it. lesson learnt: want something, go for it! most things in life don't wait for you. not even the train, or plane, or ...