no more holiday!

yesterday morning i woke up at 10am and went to mama teh's house to pick up anas and faizul. apparently they were still sleeping and i had to wake them up, ask them to get ready and stuff. 3 of us went to one utama. reached there at 2pm. parking was hell. it was so difficult to find parking in ou. we spent like 45 mins for parking. then lunch i had subway steak and cheese. i didn't know that subway still exists. i was so happy. then we went to coffee bean. after lunch, we went shopping for christmas. not like i celebrate christmas but faizul wants to send stuffs for his mom and brothers in uk. but he ended up buying an expensive shirt at topshop for himself. i dont see why a 17 years old boy would want to spend rm150 for a black shirt. he says that his money and so what if he wants an expensive shirt. hmph! what-ever. with no money left, we just walk around to see what to buy for to his mom and brothers. there's this electric christmas tree, you just plug in and the snow and lights will turn on. he wanted to buy that but its too expensive. its rm140 and its a small tree. not worth buying it. then for his brothers he planned to buy this remote control boat, for his mom photo frame. anas went to play golf with his friends at 4pm. then went back home talked to mama teh for a while. around 7pm i reached home, get packed for pd and left for pd. afzal drove there, we left at 730pm and reached there at 9pm. met afiq, farah, kuman, yana, poyo and liyana there. had dinner and lepak lepak only. at 1010pm i stayed in front of the tv waited for survivor but there was no survivor. i don't know what happened to ntv7 or survivor.

i just got back from pd actually. on my laptop and there i go. register my subjects. its full already. i know i should do this earlier but its been full since holiday. so i got to register only 3 subjects out of 6. ill do that tomorrow or later tonight. im starting my class soon. this monday actually and im still on holiday mood. but im excited to study at the same time. i don't know. im just excited to study and score 3.5 above this time. i hope i can do it.
