the trip to pulau aur was great. i had fun there despite the toilet's condition and sleeping in small room packed with 10 people. diving was exciting except for the 1st dive where i panicked, but other dives was fun. as usual, i acted like a bimbo and did few silly things like smiled when i saw clownfish underwater and because of that i flooded my mask with salt water, and also i smiled when we were taking pictures underwater which didn't make any difference to the picture because i was using the regulator. i miss that place! holiday is almost over. i have another 2 weeks to enjoy waking up late in the afternoon, going out with the girls, watch tv. i think its about time already. i can't wait.. yesterday me and the girls went to MAC, Clinique and others warehouse sale and it was crazy. C-R-A-Z-Y. i realised that women can be crazy during sale. im never going to this type of crazy warehouse sale again. superluna called and we talked while on the way to mamak. i felt as thoug...