
finally im not working tomorrow. yea! tiring when you work for 12 hours up and down the ballroom in heels. my fault. but i guess you wont feel it while you were working, but once you stop for a break thats where i started to feel sleepy. most probably will be working straight when he leaves for egypt. need to get as much money as i can to go visit superluna. sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit.

anyway, got this from superluna..

1.Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
* pemalas, isap rokok, tidur lambat, bangun lambat.

2.Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
* appropriate weight, dean's certificate, more time

3.Name Four Scents You Love:
* afzal, escada, anna sui secret wish, rain,

4.Name Four People That Know You the Best:
* my mum, my dad, the girls, afzal

5.Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
* leather pants, hot pants, boob tube

6.Name Four Things You Are Thinking About
* what to wear tomorrow, what to bring to the island, who will voted out tomorrow (american idol), who will win the contender..

7.Name Four Things That You Have Done
* work, sleep, out with the girls, watch tv

8. Name the Last Four Things You Have
* rokok, nescafe

10.First Grade Teacher Name?
* puan zarina

12.Last Words You Said:
* call tau pagi esok

13.Last Song You Sang?
* none

14.Last Person You Hugged?
* afzal

15.Last Thing You Laughed At?
* khafidha and her lalat story

16.Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant
* yesterday

17.Last Time You Cried?
* monday

18.What's In Your CD Player?
* gwen's

19.What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
* crazy is it wear socks now..hot la

20.What's Under Your Bed?
* gym bag..ahahha

21.What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
* 530am

22.Current Taste?
* rokok and nescafe ais

23.Current Hair?
* oily

24.Current Clothes?
* baju tido

25.Current Annoyance?
* none

26.Current Longing?
* none

27.Current Desktop Picture?
* the girls

28.Current Worry?
* will i wake up tomorrow?..should i bring sports shoe or slippers

29.Current Hate?
* none

30.Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite
* gigi!

32.Favorite Place To Be?
* home, kedai mamak

33.Least Favorite Place?
* ravi 14

34.If You Could Play An Instrument?:
* drum

35.Favorite Color?
* white, pink, black

36.Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
* tak tau

37.How Tall Are You?
* not tall enough

38.Current Favorite Word/Saying?
* entah

39.Favorite Book?
* tak tau

40.Favorite Season?
* i dont have any choice

41.One Person From Your Past You Wish You
Could Go Back And Talk To:
* hahahahhaha..ada laa

42.Favorite Day?
* holiday

43.Where Would You Like To Go?
* amoi and liyana's place

44.What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
* jumpa client kat song bird..hahahha

45.Type A Line You Remember From Any
Book: -
* better to have love than not have love at all.. gitu2 la

im going to pulau aur on friday. goodbye....
