birthdays again!
last 2 weeks was my mummy's birthday
we celebrated her 40 something birthday at 12am
everyone was there at 12am except for my dad
he came back from outing with his friends at 1230 when everything was over
the next morning, this ss2 florist (this florist is good and expensive) delivered orchid flowers to my mum
when the bouquet arrived, she thought it was from my dad
she opened the card, and it was from me
double disappointment..sad sad
actually it was funny
this is a lil bit basi
my dad's green birthday party
we planned for an outdoor party but it rained that evening and we had no choice but to have the party inside
stuffy! blurgh!
lagi basi!
najihah's birthday party
and again, it was at my place
it was actually the day i had my leg operation
i checked out from hospital in the evening and her party was that night itself
i didn't want to stay in the hospital and miss all the fun
it's najihah's birthday!
i'm currently attached to this programme (company thingy) for 3 weeks
today was the first day and it sucks big time!
i cannot imagine how it would be for the next 20 days
i can't even tell which part of the course that i actually enjoyed
maybe the food part, hahaha
the whole idea of it sucks..
the suckiest part, everyone must/need/compulsary attend it once
so i might as well get it done and over with
bottomline, i don't have a choice
like yana said, i sold my soul to the devil
what choice do i have?
i don't!!
i know lah basi but i feel bad if put mother's birthday then father like no party like that.
you were invited lah gile! but you didn't come
biasa lah, party and bbq rumah kuna mane nak dtg :P
u miss me is it?