tick tock..tick tock
labuan was alright.
nothing much happened, stayed in the room. whole day!
eat, watch grey's anatomy, eat, watch heroes, eat somemore and watch prison break.
that's all. oh, met my customers and brought them around to see our site. B-O-R-I-N-G!

ashraf and abg izzat's militant night party was fun!
we played games and fyi, i'm not good in solving riddles
but i had a fantagreat night
the food was so sedap! thanks to kak aida.

some random snaps from yana's kenduri.
i just found out someone took the last photo while i was sleeping.
hmm..i wonder who!

yesterday was the suckiest day ever!!
went to work at 8am, finished at 9pm.
went to sheraton because of the forum rehearsal, btw the forum is today.
during the rehearsal, they wanted some last minute major changes on the video which i've been working on for the past 3 weeks.
sheffer picked me up at around midnight.
burst into tears because i couldn't handle the stress.
went for dinner because i was superhungry.
reached home and finished up the video.
mr. marlboro and mrs. nescafe were my bestfriend for the entire night.
i don't think i'll be able to do this without them.
finally, dah siap lah kan!
oh ya, guess what?
it's almost 530am, i have to get ready for work.
they want me to be at the hotel by 7am.
another rehearsal, i guess.
i'll catch up with ms. pillow-and-blanket tomorrow.
okay, i better run!
nothing much happened, stayed in the room. whole day!
eat, watch grey's anatomy, eat, watch heroes, eat somemore and watch prison break.
that's all. oh, met my customers and brought them around to see our site. B-O-R-I-N-G!
ashraf and abg izzat's militant night party was fun!
we played games and fyi, i'm not good in solving riddles
but i had a fantagreat night
the food was so sedap! thanks to kak aida.
some random snaps from yana's kenduri.
i just found out someone took the last photo while i was sleeping.
hmm..i wonder who!
yesterday was the suckiest day ever!!
went to work at 8am, finished at 9pm.
went to sheraton because of the forum rehearsal, btw the forum is today.
during the rehearsal, they wanted some last minute major changes on the video which i've been working on for the past 3 weeks.
sheffer picked me up at around midnight.
burst into tears because i couldn't handle the stress.
went for dinner because i was superhungry.
reached home and finished up the video.
mr. marlboro and mrs. nescafe were my bestfriend for the entire night.
i don't think i'll be able to do this without them.
finally, dah siap lah kan!
oh ya, guess what?
it's almost 530am, i have to get ready for work.
they want me to be at the hotel by 7am.
another rehearsal, i guess.
i'll catch up with ms. pillow-and-blanket tomorrow.
okay, i better run!