ready to go right now?

i'm starting a new reserach.
there are so many questions to structure my new research.
can you? should you? do you have to? why it won't work?
can you?
some say yes, some say no.
it depends on the situation, i guess.
yes, after a considerable amount of time passes.
after you have both really moved on, yes.
yes, you can.
make sure you're done with it. then, after that is passed, make every effort to maintain at least a casual friendship if this is someone who is in your life anyway.
be a grown up, have some maturity, suck it up if you have to, and really try.
by veronica
should you?
"Even if a romance loses its spark, you can still enjoy each other's company," says Patricia Farrell, Ph.D., author of How to Be Your Own Therapist. Plus, he remembers why he fell in love with you and can give you an ego boost when you need it.
think of me as a remote, nonthreatening reminder of your old friend.
since feelings are nonexistent, why not catch up over dinner without doing any emotional damage?
do you have to?
according to cerulean,
he is repulsed by people who left others broken and bleeding on the ground needing their victims to be "friends." it seems like an extra twist of the knife.
why it won't work?
according to muller,
remaining friends seems to provide us with the security blanket that the person who has been in our life will still be there, and we can call on them every once in a while to find out how they are - but we'll never actually know how they really are.
whatever she explained make sense.
how do you tell to your "friend" that you have a hot date tonight, or that you and your new lover are going away on a steamy getaway? you can't even tell your "friend" that the reason you're smiling so much is because a yummy guy has just asked you out.
while carrie bradshaw made it so easy for relationships to work, in reality it is not.
although carrie has dated more than my fingers can count, she ends up being friends with some of them. in reality, i'm friends with some of them. some just won't. i'm proud and happy that i am still friends with some of them. i love them dearly :)
the only thing we have in common is best friends that will stick with us through thick and thin, sunny or stormy days. she has samantha, miranda and charlotte and i have my own version of samantha, miranda and charlotte.
in the end, she has mr. big to rescue her.
in reality, i don't have mr. big.
who and where is my mr. big?
the prospect of having a mr. big is too good to be true.
but then, who knows!
i wonder which SATC girl am i.
which SATC girl do you think you are?
samantha jones? ahahahahah