i like to talk

during my class, he (my lecturer) gave the whole class formula to calculate the age of a younger girl, if you're planning to go for a younger girl.
apparently all the guys in my class happen to know that formula.
a few had never heard of it before, i was one of them.
formula, only for guys or boys (he said).
if you're planning to go out with a younger girl.
this is the formula by my lecturer.
your age divide by two plus seven.
that's the girls age that you're supposed to go out with.
number below that formula, wrong! wrong! wrong!
if i were a boy, using that formula.
24/2 = 12 + 7 = 19
19 years old.
if i were a boy lah..
maybe it's a unisex formula. hahaha!
if it's not a unisex formula, i should be going out with 34 years old guy.
wowww! that's old!
wowwwww! nadeera, could james be 34?
after the formula, we ended up talking about stuffs..
like tom cruise, nicole kidman, hugh jackman.
that friday class, weird much.
reming me to update you guys about james and glenn :)
i forgot to tell.
sorry lap you girls.
im late for presentation.
shit! byebye
love love
nanti bila i turn 34,dont call me tua ok.
bila u 34, i call u aunty sexy ok.