my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

i have spent approximately 70 hours to come up with 4000 words report.
i spent 4 hours crying bcos i didn't know if i could manage it.
i spent few hours of shopping for eye cream (i was paranoid, stupid wrinkles!) and some other things. retail therapy la konon.
i did not kill myself, although i was planning to jump off my balcony.
ate maggi for few days, cooked nasi goreng komeng last night.
i love nasi goreng komeng! kan sheffer?

after all that trouble i went through..
this is one of the highlights in my report.
In a study by Goleman (1995) self-awareness – recognizing a feeling, as it happens is the keystone of emotiononal intelligence. Goleman (1995) states that people with greater certainty about their feelings are better pilots of their lives, having a surer sense of how they really feel about personal decisions from whom to marry to what job to take.

boring right? i know!
my milkshake partner is busy bringing her blue eye boy to the yard.


photo 1: faris after being bullied by me, of course!
photo 2: kuanne in a bad mood, i made her cry. who else? (aunty kat belakang tuh pon takot!)
photo 3: champion shuffler category perempuan, subang jaya ss19.
photo 4: st kilda market, every thursday.
photo 5: BFFF! stolen from dzu, thanks!
photo 6: BFFF! stolen from kakak, thanks!
photo 7: BFCF! lefty nak kawin, righty giginya sudah tiada. so cuteeeee!
photo 8: paparazzi shot tak jadi.

i am now going to drink a glass of milk, switch off the tv, brush my teeth, wash my face, put on night cream and eye cream (of course!), and SLEEP!

tomorrow is my last day to finish up my 4000 words report.
i have 30% to go. wish me luck!
meantime, happy chinese new year to all ah chong in the world.
no lion dance here, suckwazaaa!
dung dung dung cheng dung cheng dung cheng!
gong xi fa cai!


Anonymous said…
siapa champion shuffler category pompuan tu?ahahahhahaa!!faris pun kalah wei
khafidha said…
siapa shuffler tu?? siapa org misteri tu??
Kuna Ismail said…
cari lah kat ss19
misteri konon..
Anonymous said…
Kuna Ismail said…
mek yu,
jgn laaa marah geram sunyi dizzy dan macam2 lagi. akan ku pulang cepat demi mu!
Anonymous said…