please activate the panic button

panic attack!

2 more weeks to final exam.
2 more presentation.
4 research paper to submit.
30 books to read.
20 journal papers to read.
plus minus divide multiply = panic!

i haven't even start anything and now i'm at the point where i don't even know where to start.
i should start taking caffeine pills and not sleep.
then, start choosing a company i want to do my research.
then, read all the books and journals.
start structuring my research paper.
fill in the blanks.
then start typing.
gosh! easier said than done.
i need to panic to start working.
risky strategy.
and stupid strategy.


popcornelvis said…
ha? ada jual caffeine pills?
Kuna Ismail said…
ada jual!
macam macam pills ada jual.
wowww kan?
pills nak jadi cute macam you je belum jual.
Anonymous said…
hi kuna. you can do it because you ARE the dragon!

aja aja fighting!
Anonymous said…
eh panic panic panic..
go do something la!
nnt tak pass tak boleh balik..
bila awak tak boleh balik saya jadi pemarah..
bila saya jadi pemarah, ribut taufan halilintar semua datang..
and you won't like me when i'm angry..
popcornelvis said…
ahahahaha pandai u bagi i tersenyum di pagi rabu ni
sexy pills kalau ada,i rasa i dah lama beli.nak jadi mcm u
Kuna Ismail said…
im the dragon and you are the walrus.
goo goo g'joob.

oh mek yu,
jgn laa jadi pemarah.
tak ayu lah ayu pemarah.

i nak invent sexy pills lah.
u nak jadik sexy macam i?
i sexy back, you sexy front.
how about that?