blast from the past
few days ago i was thinking of our old blog but i couldn't figure out which one it was. there's blurty, there's livejournal, and then multiply.
i thought it was blurty but nah! i was wrong, it was definitely multiply.
we had so much fun updating our blogs, pictures and videos.
yana even recorded her 'hari raya pesanan'.
i had fun browsing through our old pics.
massiiiiivee yooo!
so funny wei, i post up only the best!
wanna know what we look like 4 years ago?

june 2005: tara's 1st birthday party

january 2006: first and the last surfing at sunway lagoon

january 2006: 1st hari raya haji at yana's new house

april 2006: klia, sending yana back to melbourne

waiting outside kedai game, TFR full.

khafidha begging, pleasseeeeee kuna

Malaysia's Next Top Model!
i thought it was blurty but nah! i was wrong, it was definitely multiply.
we had so much fun updating our blogs, pictures and videos.
yana even recorded her 'hari raya pesanan'.
i had fun browsing through our old pics.
massiiiiivee yooo!
so funny wei, i post up only the best!
wanna know what we look like 4 years ago?
june 2005: tara's 1st birthday party
january 2006: first and the last surfing at sunway lagoon
january 2006: 1st hari raya haji at yana's new house
april 2006: klia, sending yana back to melbourne
waiting outside kedai game, TFR full.
khafidha begging, pleasseeeeee kuna
Malaysia's Next Top Model!
gila juling mata i dalam gambar surfing tu.
gila kurus badan i masa i pergi belajar tu.
the girls say you macam siot for putting up those pictures but we loved it. happy times... happy times.
rambut amoi adoi!
kuna u kurus gila...yana pun!
si sheffer and khafidha nampak sama je..tapi nampak so muda.
HAHAHAHA! thank kuna...nak gambar lama lagi
juling ke mata u? tak nampak pun.
tapi u kurus gila masa pegi belajar tuh. ingat tak apa jadik kat airport masa hantar u pegi belajar tuh. omg! lawak gilaa i tak tahan nak gelak..
happy times happy times..
ada lagi gambar lama!
nanti i post lagi..
wait ah aunty..