BIG - G!

today, i did something bad.
bad kuna, bad kuna!
4 days ago, i bought a book.
since my classes are not that stressful yet, i managed to finish it.
today, i went to the shop and told them that this was a gift to a friend but my friend didn't like it, so i want to exchange it with something else.
so, i took another book which i liked and exchange it.
i feel so bad! hahahhahaha
plus, i exchanged with a cheaper book so that they refund me the difference.
that's a big-g! GUILTY!
another thing, this week is my first week of class.
i'm still on holiday mood.
during the lectures, all i did was day dream.
i barely listen or concentrate to what they were saying.
i keep on thinking about my dream house.
hahahahaha. weird much! as if i have one.
i sketched it on my notebook.
i can't concentrate in class.
all i can think of is how nice my dream house would look like.
the flooring, the walls, the lights, toilets, kitchen (of course), my walk in wardrobe! wowwwwwww!
every class costs me roughly $300+, that's like RM700+.
so i've wasted my money on day dreaming over a house that i don't have right now.
wowwww! guilty! guilty!
bad kuna!!