
Showing posts from April, 2009

six week early

winter is early this year.. it is sooooo freaking sejuk, tak kelakar dah. blurgh! crassssssyy! i miss angin bayu bali, panas panas peluh bertitik titik. now is a good time to eat curry pedas pedas. yummmm.. ok this video superkelakar sakit perut tergelak gelak.. hahahahhahahahhahaha. omg!

something will never change

bali was superawesome! i cannot even describe how awesome bali was. this is by far the best holiday trip i've ever had. i miss kudeta beach. i miss bali. i miss everything about Bali, even the nyamuk that disturbs me at night. the short break journey to Malaysia from Bali before Melbourne was difficult. Malaysia is my home country that i love dearly, but money politics? urrgh! with the recent party election chaos, everyone starts blaming each other. why don't you people out there step up and just freaking tell the truth of what happened?! i think no one wants to come upfront and tell the truth because they have been fed by the blackberry. pfft! money politics should stop the day i was born. i hope happy people of Malaysia open up their mouth and tell the truth for once, for your country. i'm not saying this to put him down, because i love daging salai and rembau. but this has to stop, it is wrong! stop giving out blackberry or money. hhmm.. pls keep one for me :) hahaha! ju...

krik krik kriking!

now like gila krik krik! i hate this, i hate this! woke up at 630am, snooze. then, 7am, snooze again. then, 730am, okay time to shower. i was ready by 8am as the electrician and owner is coming to fix the aircond today at 8am. due to bad traffic and raining, they arrived at 9am. they went through everything in the house to get a good spot to fix the aircond. finally got one. called the other two boys, the fixer to come. they came and godek godek the house now. they are going to be here all day, which i don't mind at all. hahahha. but i don't like the krik krik moment. i don't know what to do, where to go. now i'm inside my room. sitting at one corner, pretending to be busy with work. hehhehe. way to escape i guess. they'll be here all day, which means i don't have a life. they also cut the power cos they need to drill the wall. which also means, i can't use the internet and computer in few minutes time. laptop battery life 13%, hand phone battery, low. i...


20 years down the road, ill probably remember today the most. the day i freaked out on everything in life. the uncertainty of life, where i am, where i'll be. i freaked out on almost everything. freaked out, scared, whatever it means. i think everything that happens up to this moment has its own reason. everything happens for a reason, that's what i've been hearing from others. it surely does for me. today, it hit me like the tsunami, unexpected. i'm not ready to cross that line. i'm not fit to be in that zone. i am just not fit. just. what is freaking me out? a. marriage b. being pregnant c. raising children of my own d. all of the above the correct answer is: d. everything freaks me out. haahhahahahha. now im laughing at myself because im thinking nonsense. i think things that are happening around me made me think this way. external factors. i see it around me everyday and it freaks me out even more. probably other people would think otherwise when they see what i...