something will never change
bali was superawesome!
i cannot even describe how awesome bali was.
this is by far the best holiday trip i've ever had.
i miss kudeta beach. i miss bali.
i miss everything about Bali, even the nyamuk that disturbs me at night.

the short break journey to Malaysia from Bali before Melbourne was difficult.
Malaysia is my home country that i love dearly, but money politics? urrgh!
with the recent party election chaos, everyone starts blaming each other.
why don't you people out there step up and just freaking tell the truth of what happened?!
i think no one wants to come upfront and tell the truth because they have been fed by the blackberry. pfft!
money politics should stop the day i was born.
i hope happy people of Malaysia open up their mouth and tell the truth for once, for your country.
i'm not saying this to put him down, because i love daging salai and rembau.
but this has to stop, it is wrong! stop giving out blackberry or money.
hhmm.. pls keep one for me :)
hahaha! just kidding.
oh whatever, i'm just upset because he can't do anything to make things better.
he has tried his best though and i love him for that.
he tried to expose the truth but as what he said, without evidence, nothing much can be done. if you want to know the truth, someone has to come upfront and expose the evidence. without the evidence, he will remain the where he is right now.
different case with Malacca, he had the evidence to suspend him.
i don't mean to blog about politics, but this is my grandfather who the happy people of Malaysia is blaming.
although, technically he is not my grandfather, he is my granduncle. he is my grandfather's brother but my grandfather died 40 years ago, so he took care of us like a grandfather would. alright, whatever.
now that this has happened, i feel sorry for him.
he is old, not feeling well and i hope these stupid money politics would just leave him alone and not stress him up.
give him the evidence, and i assure you guys that the rest will go down as well.
money is the evil of all kind of evil.
so yaa, that was what i observed, gathered, or listened when i was in Malaysia for 12 hours. nothing about Malaysia has changed, except for the Prime Minister. yay! hoorah!
corruption? money politics? Malaysia.. Truly Asia.
i cannot even describe how awesome bali was.
this is by far the best holiday trip i've ever had.
i miss kudeta beach. i miss bali.
i miss everything about Bali, even the nyamuk that disturbs me at night.
the short break journey to Malaysia from Bali before Melbourne was difficult.
Malaysia is my home country that i love dearly, but money politics? urrgh!
with the recent party election chaos, everyone starts blaming each other.
why don't you people out there step up and just freaking tell the truth of what happened?!
i think no one wants to come upfront and tell the truth because they have been fed by the blackberry. pfft!
money politics should stop the day i was born.
i hope happy people of Malaysia open up their mouth and tell the truth for once, for your country.
i'm not saying this to put him down, because i love daging salai and rembau.
but this has to stop, it is wrong! stop giving out blackberry or money.
hhmm.. pls keep one for me :)
hahaha! just kidding.
oh whatever, i'm just upset because he can't do anything to make things better.
he has tried his best though and i love him for that.
he tried to expose the truth but as what he said, without evidence, nothing much can be done. if you want to know the truth, someone has to come upfront and expose the evidence. without the evidence, he will remain the where he is right now.
different case with Malacca, he had the evidence to suspend him.
i don't mean to blog about politics, but this is my grandfather who the happy people of Malaysia is blaming.
although, technically he is not my grandfather, he is my granduncle. he is my grandfather's brother but my grandfather died 40 years ago, so he took care of us like a grandfather would. alright, whatever.
now that this has happened, i feel sorry for him.
he is old, not feeling well and i hope these stupid money politics would just leave him alone and not stress him up.
give him the evidence, and i assure you guys that the rest will go down as well.
money is the evil of all kind of evil.
so yaa, that was what i observed, gathered, or listened when i was in Malaysia for 12 hours. nothing about Malaysia has changed, except for the Prime Minister. yay! hoorah!
corruption? money politics? Malaysia.. Truly Asia.