freaky friday

i did not expect my friday would be a freaky one.
not that i transform into my mom or what.
half of friday was annoying, and the other half was freaky.
ill be going back next month, yes! one month from now. more month.
since i have to start working somewhere in august, they are now starting to give me options on where i wanna be placed in august.
im happy enough that i get to choose what i want to do, and on top of that i have four options to choose from.
among the four options, i looked forward to this particular one.
but this one is against my values and principle.
i was asked a question and i have to make a decision there and then.
the question sounded something like this..
'do you drink? are you willing to drink and socialise with your clients? because you'll be taking care of US market, so it is a plus point if you drink'.
i never thought that they would actually have this kinda 'screening of employees' procedures.
since when did they look for girls who are willing to drink to work?
when did all of this happen?
i was really pissed off the moment i read that question.
they did not even consider that i studied my ass off here so that i can prosper the company.
all they ever wanted to know was if i drink.
if i knew that they were looking for this, i would have taken Masters in Drinking and Socialising not bloody Masters of Business Admin.
pppfftt! sakit hati!
another half of the freaky friday was reallyyyy freaky.
after class, i went back home.
mom cooked lunch, had lunch and shopped at smith st.
i brought them to smith st because my brother wanted to shop.
in the end, i shopped the most.
then, went to k mart.
my mom shopped til she dropped.
i was trying on clothes and she called me and asked me to go to her aisle cos she wanted my opinion.
i went to the aisle and saw in the trolley, baby stuffs.
blankets, towels, socks dan banyak lagi.
so many newborn, baby things!
socks for 0-6 months, for 6-18 months.
i asked her 'who are you buying it for?'
in my mind, for my pregnant cousins..but..
she said 'your future son or daughter'
ohmigod! i cannot believe she said that.
but yes, she did say that and she bought a lot of it.
since she doesn't know if i'll get boy or girl, she got everything in pink and blue.
so, blankets in pink and blue, muskin wrap in pink and green, socks in pink and blue.
i managed to stop her from buying baby drinking bottles and thermos and all.
she got back from k mart, happily unpacking everything from the plastic bag.
wrote down everything she bought for that day.
allocating money for shopping, and she wrote there in her diary 'unborn grandchild - k mart $xxx'
ohmigod! i seriously did not know what to do, so layan jer lah kan.
it did not stop there, yesterday we went to buy groceries, she saw a baby cot and she wanted to buy it.
but i said its big and heavy, she said..can ship with all my other barang.
i ignored her and walked away.
today, she saw a smart baby wrap.
its a smart blanket and wrap, erk.. and guess what?
she bought it!
i don't know what to say! but i did say thank you!
by the end of today, i didn't walk with her anymore.
she went and shop by herself and i went and have coffee with nono.
cannot handle all this baby stuffs going on for the past 3 days.
i just hope when she goes back end of this month, she won't transform my room into a baby nursery room or what.
ok goodnight!
sabar yer aunty..
gelak ye kau khaf? tak kelakar ok!
aunty tuh dah merepek dah wei..
hints? sure having a baby is the greatest thing, but not now definitely! one day!