oh bla di bla da

my entry March 23, 2010:
there are so many things i need to buy this month.
2. jubilee lipstick
3. face mineral
4. mineralize blusher
6. perfume
it's june and i still haven't bought my lipstick and minerals. huarghghh!
and the perfume! but that's an exception, because i can't decide which one i want.
other than that, why can't i stick to my list and get it.
i can't seem to prioritize which items i want.
everything is a need, instead of want.
i neeeeeeeeddddd to get the face mineral asap because my face looks like a kerbau already.
my eyes are starting to look like panda's eyes.
blame it on the 2-3 hours sleep i get every night.
so difficult for me to fall asleep when sleep used to be my middle name.
even the sleeping pills are not working.