
Showing posts from November, 2010

so long farewell

two more days to December five more weeks to two thousand eleven so many things had happened this year don't even know where to begin time flies when you're having fun fun ke? hahahaha as much as i hate what i had to go through this year, im glad it did i learned a lot from my mistakes i discovered so many things about life, people, work and Islam especially which for many many years i took it for granted, just because i was born as a Muslim. im nowhere perfect at that chapter but im trying my best even the small little things that count, ill learn. i will continue learning and to face my fear. which reminds me, i conquered my fear recently. the fear of myself, my reaction and how i would feel. to my surprise, it didn't hurt at all i wasn't bothered that our table was next to each other that my seat was few inches away from his and he was seated next to his new girlfriend this is not my first time, pfft to look at his girlfriend face-to-face, that didn't bother me. ...

complex brain

my brain is a complex organ that is playing around with my mind and thus effects my mood. this complex organ of mine is also making me overthinking things i should not be thinking. it is a negative poison that is spreading out like cancer to other organs. this cancer virus is spreading to my face, hence the wrinkles. it is also spreading to my body, resulting the yo-yo weight loss. i reckon chicken's nails are nicer than mine, due to excessive biting. my white hair is making me look like a grandmother who does botox. that's just 5% of the physical issue. internal organs are just gone. sometimes have no heart. don't care whatever happens around me. i constipate. i have difficulty breathing at night. i have trouble sleeping, which usually is not the case at all! can't even describe my tear duct. it is just not functioning. comes at weird time and can't be controlled. that's just 5% of the internal problems. just so you know.. they say, mind over matter. i'm go...

my twenty four hours life

1 hour to get ready for work 1.5 hours to drive to work 12 hours at work 1 hour lunch break 1.5 hours drive back from work 1 hour at home 2 hours coffee 4 hours of sleep. good night! Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

my best friend's wedding

i've know the groom since i was 13 (i think) or maybe 14 years old. and now i'm 26, in which half of my life is with this superdebab dude. it was the IRC years that kept us communicating, then it was the MSN and now its the SMS. i knew him when he was still kurus (of course) without his glasses, rambut center parting. along the years he grew sideways, needed another pair of eyes, and stayed botak most of the time. we survived painful relationships, family issues, financial burden, ridiculous assignments and homework (he hates math). and now he's married. woohooo!! i couldn't be any happier than i already am today that he is blessed with a nice, loving and caring wife. she is his doctor love. the best part of this whole thing is, she's super nice to me. (i hope so) hahahahhaah! unlike some other guy friends that i have, their wives are just...(oh well) i'm so happy for you! please do take care of your wife. wishing you both the happily ever after you deserve. con...