my best friend's wedding

i've know the groom since i was 13 (i think) or maybe 14 years old.
and now i'm 26, in which half of my life is with this superdebab dude.
it was the IRC years that kept us communicating, then it was the MSN and now its the SMS.
i knew him when he was still kurus (of course) without his glasses, rambut center parting.
along the years he grew sideways, needed another pair of eyes, and stayed botak most of the time.
we survived painful relationships, family issues, financial burden, ridiculous assignments and homework (he hates math).
and now he's married. woohooo!!
i couldn't be any happier than i already am today that he is blessed with a nice, loving and caring wife.
she is his doctor love.
the best part of this whole thing is, she's super nice to me. (i hope so)
hahahahhaah! unlike some other guy friends that i have, their wives are just...(oh well)
i'm so happy for you!
please do take care of your wife.
wishing you both the happily ever after you deserve.
congratulations on your wedding!
your pengapit? hahahha!