stolen photos

january twothousandeleven:
past 21 days has been awesome!
despite the crazy workload i have, other parts of my life is starting to get better.
favourite cousin is happily pregnant and i can't wait for her to deliver.
breakfast with mum, dad, sister and brother at our usual roti canai hangout.
weekly outing with the girls, wondermilkers, newly weds has been adventurous.
tried out new places to chill.
plan b, bangsar for dinner. the pesto was alright. i can do better. hahaha!
g3 chocolate dessert is crazy! the best in town.
nirwana, yong tau foo, and pappa rich the usual routine.
nothing has changed, not even my appetite for banana leaf, wantan and white coffee.
new addition this year would be the weekly visit to gold chilli.
it has been there since forever but i don't think i've been there as often as i did these past few weeks.
the boys i went to Penang with, my mum call them "the bodyguards".
they seem to be addicted to gold chilli.
catching up for dinner with my unimates are part of my weekly schedule these past few weeks.
they're crazy people who likes to do crazy things.
which explains my hiking trip yesterday to broga hill.
hiking? me? errkk.. i don't think so.
they came up with the crazy idea at 1am to go hike broga hill at 5am.
my dad was on his usual golf trip in Perlis, so i would assume my mom wouldn't let me go.
i sneaked in her room that morning and asked her permission.
to my surprise, she said go ahead and have fun.
so i went, mentally not prepared.
i was stupid to assume the hill is not going to be challenging.
dumbest move ever not to ask around before i go.
arrived at 5am, started walking in the dark.
i think i gave up after 10 minutes of walking.
it was dark, lalang everywhere, and cold.
i don't like the process but i completed it.
not to the highest peak, but i made it.
it was beautiful to see the transition from night to day and not forgetting the sunrise.
it was cloudy, so sunrise wasn't what i imagined.
hiking up broga hill would be the 1st among many other random, crazy activities i'm about to do this year.
this time next week, ill be soaking under the sun for 5 days.
i can't wait!