everybody wants to know the truth
he asked me THE question..
..of course..
i answered YES.
i'm happy, excited and speechless.
autumn launch 2007

henna session. supercool!

role play session, superfunny!

selamat hari merdeka malaysians!
party all night ya! the girls are not around.
sheffer is in jakarta, khafidha in johor, liyana beruntung
me? counting sheeps at home and sleep.
friday, work.
sucks to be me =)
have a nice weekend, i know i'm going to have a blast!
ill see you all in september.
happy 50th birthday malaysia!
..of course..
i answered YES.
i'm happy, excited and speechless.
autumn launch 2007
henna session. supercool!
role play session, superfunny!
selamat hari merdeka malaysians!
party all night ya! the girls are not around.
sheffer is in jakarta, khafidha in johor, liyana beruntung
me? counting sheeps at home and sleep.
friday, work.
sucks to be me =)
have a nice weekend, i know i'm going to have a blast!
ill see you all in september.
happy 50th birthday malaysia!
mizz kuns kuns dah nak kahwin dah?
and you said yes??
awwww kuna!
thanks man
apalah x datang kalumpang!
the BIG DAY i think would be somewhere in october. i hope so :)
THE question is THE question la.
mizz kuns kuns nak kahwin. tapi tak tau bile.
ya lah, he asked that. of course la i said dzu beautiful. then i gave him your number. he wants to ask you on a date. nama dia johari tau :)
btw, sorry about kalumpang. next time kite pegi lagi but this time jgn ajak ifzan k
but u said its in October to purple chica.
which is which?!!!!!!
are you playing games with the readers?
whether im getting married or not,who needs to know? and who are you for me to explain which is which?
chill..don't be so uptight about it :)
who am i?
i am your next door neighbour - obviously (duh!)
i don't want to be left out on your BIGGY day :(
then again, your parents would invite my parents if there's gonna be a wedding. see you there.
i'm pretty sure my parents will invite your parents. u? i'm not sure. who is going to invite u?
hahahaa. just kidding :)