graduation day/bach party
graduation day!
class of 2007

class of 2007

kuna and anisa, before entering the hall

anisa filling up forms

two girls and a guy

inside the hall

from the stage

oh no, kasut tercabut!

congratulations class of 2007

kuna and yana

ashraf, kuna and yana

yana and kuna

kuna and yana again..

encik ismail, kuna and puan nurul

performance of the day!

at last!
bachelorette party
11th August 2007

our view for that night was kl tower

haya and her friends

ifzan tagged me.
random sms's on my phone
Happy birthday kuna!!!sorry baru you!good luck for tomorrow k
Kunaaa!!! Yoohoo..Happy happy birthday!! U r 22oo..Happy birthday! Dont be so happy cause birthdays makes us older hehe ;) god, ure 22!
Happy new year my girls. Hope you all have a good year ahead. To kuna and liyana, good luck on your new job and new future. To the rest keep up the good work!
Happy jellyfish day! I love you girls, yana.
Haha no need to jatuh la. Im happy just being with u :)
aiman (my brother)>
Thank you for the money.
liyana again>
Hi, how are you? I miss you. When come back you?
afiq again>
Kuna, mlm masa dinner bleh pakai jeans?
sheffer again>
Im goin out to eat wt khaf and dan.pastu balik apt.good also if you come.can help me kemas later
ayu (scuba dynamics)>
Datin, susah betul nak jumpa kau kan. Aku kawin weekend ni. Kad ko ada je kat kedai
khafidha again>
1 set mushroom swiss large, 1 large onion ring, 1 set mushroom swiss medium, 1 set whopper jr. medium. thats all. thank you
sheffer again>
can i have steak n cheese pls. wt green peppers smua. not too much onion. thanks. can pay u tomoro? havent withdraw money :)
liyana again>
doesn't anybody pick up their phones anymore?
ada org nak graduate la esok! woohoo! congratulations kunskuns! xox
Kun faya kuna..tahniah diatas kejayaan anda mendapat ijazah pada hari mulia ini. Semoga anda dilimpahi rezeki dan berkat dari Illahi. Amin. pelukan dan ciuman (hugs and kisses)
ifzan again>
Oh ya thats right. Ala.. Ok then i see u tomrw k we go breakfast best best! :)
class of 2007
class of 2007
kuna and anisa, before entering the hall
anisa filling up forms
two girls and a guy
inside the hall
from the stage
oh no, kasut tercabut!
congratulations class of 2007
kuna and yana
ashraf, kuna and yana
yana and kuna
kuna and yana again..
encik ismail, kuna and puan nurul
performance of the day!
at last!
bachelorette party
11th August 2007
our view for that night was kl tower
haya and her friends
ifzan tagged me.
random sms's on my phone
Happy birthday kuna!!!sorry baru you!good luck for tomorrow k
Kunaaa!!! Yoohoo..Happy happy birthday!! U r 22oo..Happy birthday! Dont be so happy cause birthdays makes us older hehe ;) god, ure 22!
Happy new year my girls. Hope you all have a good year ahead. To kuna and liyana, good luck on your new job and new future. To the rest keep up the good work!
Happy jellyfish day! I love you girls, yana.
Haha no need to jatuh la. Im happy just being with u :)
aiman (my brother)>
Thank you for the money.
liyana again>
Hi, how are you? I miss you. When come back you?
afiq again>
Kuna, mlm masa dinner bleh pakai jeans?
sheffer again>
Im goin out to eat wt khaf and dan.pastu balik apt.good also if you come.can help me kemas later
ayu (scuba dynamics)>
Datin, susah betul nak jumpa kau kan. Aku kawin weekend ni. Kad ko ada je kat kedai
khafidha again>
1 set mushroom swiss large, 1 large onion ring, 1 set mushroom swiss medium, 1 set whopper jr. medium. thats all. thank you
sheffer again>
can i have steak n cheese pls. wt green peppers smua. not too much onion. thanks. can pay u tomoro? havent withdraw money :)
liyana again>
doesn't anybody pick up their phones anymore?
ada org nak graduate la esok! woohoo! congratulations kunskuns! xox
Kun faya kuna..tahniah diatas kejayaan anda mendapat ijazah pada hari mulia ini. Semoga anda dilimpahi rezeki dan berkat dari Illahi. Amin. pelukan dan ciuman (hugs and kisses)
ifzan again>
Oh ya thats right. Ala.. Ok then i see u tomrw k we go breakfast best best! :)
nasib baik msgs ku yang baik2 aja.takde yg lucah2 ek?hahaha.kalau ada pon keep it to yourself ok ;)
it's not my birthday, but thanks. present mana?
no worries, i understand. family matters. ill definitely come to your graduation. makan free! hmm..since you wanna make it up to me, make sure it's a good one. cikai cikai don't want =)
i'm sorry too i didnt go to your graduation. i havent been a good bf have i? sorry k. but like sheffer, i still love you. more than she loves u actually. and dont accept sheffer's indo guy! sure smell like kretek.
oh wait, thats me....
hahahhaa..that was funny! you have to make it up to me for not coming. i don't want kretek gift k.
funny kan ifzan. tak sangka. hahaha. i know you love me more! i love you too!