dam dam dum!
thanks everyone who made it to my surps party. i had a blast that night!
thanks a lot yana, sheffer and ifzan kerana bersusah payah tonggeng sana sini for the surps. surpssss!
thanks to mak, jaja, kak aida, haya, ashraf dan lain lain for the great food.
the apartment dinner was great!
thanks superdzu and khairil for the awesome presents. loves it..
sooz and eday, love the table lamp.
ena and syamly, the sunnies and ring..supercool!
anas and aireen, mana gambar? thanks anyway
yati edmi and hanis, thanks for the cushion and handphone cover.
thanks everyone. i had a great 21st birthday :)

selamat hari raya aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin.
my tailor rosakkan my baju raya and i just found out 2 hours ago, 6 hours before raya prayers. that means, i don't have anything to wear on sunday. how could she? hhhhoooowwww? howwwdy?
sucks to be me.
thanks everyone who made it to my surps party. i had a blast that night!
thanks a lot yana, sheffer and ifzan kerana bersusah payah tonggeng sana sini for the surps. surpssss!
thanks to mak, jaja, kak aida, haya, ashraf dan lain lain for the great food.
the apartment dinner was great!
thanks superdzu and khairil for the awesome presents. loves it..
sooz and eday, love the table lamp.
ena and syamly, the sunnies and ring..supercool!
anas and aireen, mana gambar? thanks anyway
yati edmi and hanis, thanks for the cushion and handphone cover.
thanks everyone. i had a great 21st birthday :)
selamat hari raya aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin.
my tailor rosakkan my baju raya and i just found out 2 hours ago, 6 hours before raya prayers. that means, i don't have anything to wear on sunday. how could she? hhhhoooowwww? howwwdy?
sucks to be me.