roller coaster
selamat hari raya!
lontong buffet at taman tun

post raya training..
the past 6 days was a crazy psycho roller coaster ride. the training was tough but i survived. okay, since i have another set of training tomorrow, i better prepare now or else i don't know what to say.
>day 1
facts or beliefs? children are the best examples. they do not have any sets of beliefs about others or about themselves. as adults, we shouldn't be planting all this crap beliefs to them. beliefs or facts? ask yourself. bad drivers are always girls, is it a fact or is it a belief?
resistance? all of us have types of resistance or should i call ways of avoiding. some of their famous names are ego, anger, and the list goes on and on. why do we have resistance in our life? we have this resistance/bubble around us so that others can't see how weak we are, how vulnerable we can be. it is our comfort zone that we live in. we have been living in this resistance box that we are scared to step outside of it. what are we afraid of? rejection, looking stupid, being wrong, humiliation and bla bla bla.
>day 2
the choice is ours. whatever decisions i made, make or will make it all depends on me. as a human being, we do it because we choose to, not because we have to. come to think of it, i would rather go to work and get money every month than not have money at all. one of the way we could look at. the only choice we don't have is when it comes to death. for whatever reason we choose it, we will have to deal with the consequences that comes along with that, because it is our choice.
prince charming. he is someone we long for, to have him as your life partner. prince charming? does it exist? depends. if we start looking for it, digging for it i don't think it exist but if you stop looking for it and just see the person in front of you, go deep inside and see for who they are and accept it then you will realize that that person is your prince charming.
>day 3
there is no point in a great destination if you can't enjoy the journey.
everyone has a destination to where they wanna go but if the journey is not enjoyable, then i bet by the time you reach the destination, kaput!
intentions will create results. though the intention is there, if you don't see the results then i think the drive is just not there. if you have a big intention but you don't do anything about it, the results won't be there and so to speak, your intention is as good as not having one. it all comes from intentions.
here comes the shitty bit. keeping promises
as mentioned before, the choice is completely in your hands and you have to deal with the consequences that comes along with it. it is the usual case when someone didn't take their word seriously. i'm not talking about big big promises, it could be as small as 'i'll return your call'. it is proven that every time a person breaks a promise, the relationship or communication gets a bit distance. the trust will soon fade away and the person you didn't keep the promise? think about that person, or think about yourself when every time someone promise you something, but it didn't happen. what would you feel? by breaking promises or agreements, the other person would feel as though he/she is not important to you. he/she would feel that they are your second best. might not be second, might be third even. see that in your life, where you put other people and yourself. it could be promise you make with yourself, friend, parents, or officemates. for each time a person breaks the promise or agreement, the weight of trust and importance will be lesser.
>day 4
accepting others for who they are instead of turning them into what you want them to be.
honesty? how honest are you willing to be and to what extend can a person be honest? are you okay when others are honest about you? it is different when it comes to a different individual. when it comes to the exercises, i found out that it is not difficult to accept it. maybe i had all this fear on how to handle it but once they threw comments about me, i was ok. in fact, i was glad. sometimes human being over analyze things, think too much, make assumptions here and there. sort of like a 'mental masturbation' we have in our mind.
>day 5
goals and obstacles; whatever it takes.
when a person has a goal but there are so many obstacles standing in between, they get drift away by concentrating on the obstacles and later day by day you can even see your goals already because you keep on focusing on the obstacles. obstacles are there because you want them to be there, its like too good to be true if you don't have any challenges between you and your goal. its also very weird to see how we always say i want to...but i cannot because i don't have...
you create all this reasons, 'i don't have enough money, i don't have time' and on and on and on. if only you do whatever it takes, then you will achieve. those obstacles are only plain reason. i would put it this way, if i were to buy an expensive bag by December, i'll come up with all sorts of reasons. 'i have to pay this, i have to pay that, i don't enough cash, my credit card limit has reached'. oh gosh! the reasons will just take 5 pages to write. it would be a different thing if someone would say, 'your favorite actor that you love more than Ethan Hawke is sick and he has only few months to live. to your luck, he is coming to Malaysia. i think i would do anything to meet him. to shake hands with him. it all comes back to you will do whatever it takes.
i hope this is long enough for an hour talk.
training after training after training. basic finance course tomorrow. debit credit debit credit. give it to me :)
lontong buffet at taman tun
post raya training..
the past 6 days was a crazy psycho roller coaster ride. the training was tough but i survived. okay, since i have another set of training tomorrow, i better prepare now or else i don't know what to say.
>day 1
facts or beliefs? children are the best examples. they do not have any sets of beliefs about others or about themselves. as adults, we shouldn't be planting all this crap beliefs to them. beliefs or facts? ask yourself. bad drivers are always girls, is it a fact or is it a belief?
resistance? all of us have types of resistance or should i call ways of avoiding. some of their famous names are ego, anger, and the list goes on and on. why do we have resistance in our life? we have this resistance/bubble around us so that others can't see how weak we are, how vulnerable we can be. it is our comfort zone that we live in. we have been living in this resistance box that we are scared to step outside of it. what are we afraid of? rejection, looking stupid, being wrong, humiliation and bla bla bla.
>day 2
the choice is ours. whatever decisions i made, make or will make it all depends on me. as a human being, we do it because we choose to, not because we have to. come to think of it, i would rather go to work and get money every month than not have money at all. one of the way we could look at. the only choice we don't have is when it comes to death. for whatever reason we choose it, we will have to deal with the consequences that comes along with that, because it is our choice.
prince charming. he is someone we long for, to have him as your life partner. prince charming? does it exist? depends. if we start looking for it, digging for it i don't think it exist but if you stop looking for it and just see the person in front of you, go deep inside and see for who they are and accept it then you will realize that that person is your prince charming.
>day 3
there is no point in a great destination if you can't enjoy the journey.
everyone has a destination to where they wanna go but if the journey is not enjoyable, then i bet by the time you reach the destination, kaput!
intentions will create results. though the intention is there, if you don't see the results then i think the drive is just not there. if you have a big intention but you don't do anything about it, the results won't be there and so to speak, your intention is as good as not having one. it all comes from intentions.
here comes the shitty bit. keeping promises
as mentioned before, the choice is completely in your hands and you have to deal with the consequences that comes along with it. it is the usual case when someone didn't take their word seriously. i'm not talking about big big promises, it could be as small as 'i'll return your call'. it is proven that every time a person breaks a promise, the relationship or communication gets a bit distance. the trust will soon fade away and the person you didn't keep the promise? think about that person, or think about yourself when every time someone promise you something, but it didn't happen. what would you feel? by breaking promises or agreements, the other person would feel as though he/she is not important to you. he/she would feel that they are your second best. might not be second, might be third even. see that in your life, where you put other people and yourself. it could be promise you make with yourself, friend, parents, or officemates. for each time a person breaks the promise or agreement, the weight of trust and importance will be lesser.
>day 4
accepting others for who they are instead of turning them into what you want them to be.
honesty? how honest are you willing to be and to what extend can a person be honest? are you okay when others are honest about you? it is different when it comes to a different individual. when it comes to the exercises, i found out that it is not difficult to accept it. maybe i had all this fear on how to handle it but once they threw comments about me, i was ok. in fact, i was glad. sometimes human being over analyze things, think too much, make assumptions here and there. sort of like a 'mental masturbation' we have in our mind.
>day 5
goals and obstacles; whatever it takes.
when a person has a goal but there are so many obstacles standing in between, they get drift away by concentrating on the obstacles and later day by day you can even see your goals already because you keep on focusing on the obstacles. obstacles are there because you want them to be there, its like too good to be true if you don't have any challenges between you and your goal. its also very weird to see how we always say i want to...but i cannot because i don't have...
you create all this reasons, 'i don't have enough money, i don't have time' and on and on and on. if only you do whatever it takes, then you will achieve. those obstacles are only plain reason. i would put it this way, if i were to buy an expensive bag by December, i'll come up with all sorts of reasons. 'i have to pay this, i have to pay that, i don't enough cash, my credit card limit has reached'. oh gosh! the reasons will just take 5 pages to write. it would be a different thing if someone would say, 'your favorite actor that you love more than Ethan Hawke is sick and he has only few months to live. to your luck, he is coming to Malaysia. i think i would do anything to meet him. to shake hands with him. it all comes back to you will do whatever it takes.
i hope this is long enough for an hour talk.
training after training after training. basic finance course tomorrow. debit credit debit credit. give it to me :)