3 weeks, 2 crazy days
2nd episode of season 1

yesterday in between classes i have 3 hours of break, i decided to window shop for furnitures at the salvation army's shop where nadeera had suggested me to go. after much thinking, browsing the internet for directions and yada yada, i went for it. took the tram there, which was about 20-30 mins ride. as soon as i arrived there, i went crazy looking at the vintage furnitures and clothes. they sell everything! and when i say everything i mean everything. name it, clothes, mattresses, chairs, tables, umbrella, shoes, kettle, rice cooker, decorations, table runner. blurgh, everything! shity thing is, i didn't bring my camera, so i used my handphone camera. nasib baik ada. this is what i liked..

after browsing through the shop, i lost track of time. i realized i have another 30 mins left for my next class, and i haven't had lunch. so, i decided to come back another day to buy. then i waited for the tram for 10 mins. nothing, looked here and there, nothing. then i saw few people walking from the side where the tram was supposed to come. a lady walked up to us and told us that there was a cable power problem, so no trams are coming this way. i panicked! biasa lah, panic panic. then, i asked this old guy where can i catch the nearest tram. he said 'walk up this street, til you reach a junction, they'll be a tram stop. then, take the 96 tram to bourke street.' i started walking, it was a hell long walk i tell you. walk walk walk, still i cannot see any tram stops. there was not even a cab, because i think i walked for almost 5km. then i saw a tram, and it was no. 96! i ran happily towards the tram and hopped in it. after about 3 stops, i realized that this tram was not going to bourke street, it was going somewhere else. so at the next stop i got out and then that i realized i was at the wrong side of the tram. bimbo! so, i waited again, at the correct side of the tram stop for the next tram to come. after probably 10 mins, finally there was a tram. woohoo! half way to the city, the tram stopped. the tram driver announced that there was a cable power problem up the next route, so this is the last stop and everyone has to get out and find another tram. shit wey! i was already late for class and this bloody cable power nak buat hal. so we all went down and walked up to the next stop. since i don't even know where i was at that time, i just followed the crowd. then there was another tram, we all happily hopped in it, and i eventually reached my class 45mins late. happy happy masuk lambat =)
it was a long trip from the salvation army's shop to class. but it didn't end there. after class, i went shopping for pinggan mangkuk at this shop where nadeera suggested me to go. thanks amoi! after happy happy shopping, i waited for the tram to balik. dah lah barang berat, i had my 2 shopping bags, my handbag and my notes and textbook. cubayangkan, berat dan kecoh ke tak? while i was waiting for the tram, i lit a cigarette. dan dan time tuh jugak, tram nak sampai. so i just threw my cigarette on the floor. then, this makcik was staring at me. almost the same stare that yana would make. nak buat camana kan, i picked it up and matikan dlm tangan! dalam TANGAN sendiri lah. dengan barang2 yg kecoh tuh. bloody hell nye makcik. pedih tau!
that was day 1.
then day 2..
my class today finished an hour earlier, so i decided to shop at ikea.
it's a 20 mins journey by tram, but i think it was the longest 20 mins for me.
i was in the tram, reading my book when came this distorted, clean looking garbage collector lady. i think she's in her late 30's. she was with her guy friend, carrying lots of plastic bags with garbage in it. his friend got in through the back door, and she came in from the front. so i didn't get to look at her friends face. then, she came up to me and ask if i could spare her a change, and politely i said sorry but i don't have any. then his friend started shouting at her. i was scared that i didn't even move a single muscle on my upper body. my leg fidgeted, of course. but i couldn't even move a single muscle because i was damn scared. he was shouting and calling her names. actually, i remembered what he said. he said 'you bloody rude, stop asking people for money! these people work their ass of everyday, and you just come up to them and ask them for money. you're bloody rude joline. you didn't even say hello to them. you should engage a conversation. ask them how are you, talk a little bit to them, then you can ask for their money.' at this time when he was shouting at her, he was actually standing next to me. i could smell his ganja-ly smell. then he continued 'you don't even need the money. you only need it to give to peter and no wonder peter left you. you bong addicted whore!' she then said, 'shut up! this is a public area, don't make me stand up' then he said 'so what? you need to grow up joline, this is why peter left you! grow up!' and he kept on repeating that no wonder peter left her, up until the tram driver had to ask them to get out of the tram. phewwww! they sat quietly, for the next 3 mins, then they got out of the tram. shit wei! i didn't bring my camera again, or else i would have actually video taped it. this guy was in front of me, beside me, he was very near that his air liur terpelanting at me lah. that close you know! i was scared to death that i thought they were going to kill each other and blood would be all over my new coat. all this thingy that happened in the movie, kononnya lah. over! i know! hahahha!
so far, i've been here 3 weeks and everyday i encountered new things. quite an adventure :)
yesterday in between classes i have 3 hours of break, i decided to window shop for furnitures at the salvation army's shop where nadeera had suggested me to go. after much thinking, browsing the internet for directions and yada yada, i went for it. took the tram there, which was about 20-30 mins ride. as soon as i arrived there, i went crazy looking at the vintage furnitures and clothes. they sell everything! and when i say everything i mean everything. name it, clothes, mattresses, chairs, tables, umbrella, shoes, kettle, rice cooker, decorations, table runner. blurgh, everything! shity thing is, i didn't bring my camera, so i used my handphone camera. nasib baik ada. this is what i liked..
after browsing through the shop, i lost track of time. i realized i have another 30 mins left for my next class, and i haven't had lunch. so, i decided to come back another day to buy. then i waited for the tram for 10 mins. nothing, looked here and there, nothing. then i saw few people walking from the side where the tram was supposed to come. a lady walked up to us and told us that there was a cable power problem, so no trams are coming this way. i panicked! biasa lah, panic panic. then, i asked this old guy where can i catch the nearest tram. he said 'walk up this street, til you reach a junction, they'll be a tram stop. then, take the 96 tram to bourke street.' i started walking, it was a hell long walk i tell you. walk walk walk, still i cannot see any tram stops. there was not even a cab, because i think i walked for almost 5km. then i saw a tram, and it was no. 96! i ran happily towards the tram and hopped in it. after about 3 stops, i realized that this tram was not going to bourke street, it was going somewhere else. so at the next stop i got out and then that i realized i was at the wrong side of the tram. bimbo! so, i waited again, at the correct side of the tram stop for the next tram to come. after probably 10 mins, finally there was a tram. woohoo! half way to the city, the tram stopped. the tram driver announced that there was a cable power problem up the next route, so this is the last stop and everyone has to get out and find another tram. shit wey! i was already late for class and this bloody cable power nak buat hal. so we all went down and walked up to the next stop. since i don't even know where i was at that time, i just followed the crowd. then there was another tram, we all happily hopped in it, and i eventually reached my class 45mins late. happy happy masuk lambat =)
it was a long trip from the salvation army's shop to class. but it didn't end there. after class, i went shopping for pinggan mangkuk at this shop where nadeera suggested me to go. thanks amoi! after happy happy shopping, i waited for the tram to balik. dah lah barang berat, i had my 2 shopping bags, my handbag and my notes and textbook. cubayangkan, berat dan kecoh ke tak? while i was waiting for the tram, i lit a cigarette. dan dan time tuh jugak, tram nak sampai. so i just threw my cigarette on the floor. then, this makcik was staring at me. almost the same stare that yana would make. nak buat camana kan, i picked it up and matikan dlm tangan! dalam TANGAN sendiri lah. dengan barang2 yg kecoh tuh. bloody hell nye makcik. pedih tau!
that was day 1.
then day 2..
my class today finished an hour earlier, so i decided to shop at ikea.
it's a 20 mins journey by tram, but i think it was the longest 20 mins for me.
i was in the tram, reading my book when came this distorted, clean looking garbage collector lady. i think she's in her late 30's. she was with her guy friend, carrying lots of plastic bags with garbage in it. his friend got in through the back door, and she came in from the front. so i didn't get to look at her friends face. then, she came up to me and ask if i could spare her a change, and politely i said sorry but i don't have any. then his friend started shouting at her. i was scared that i didn't even move a single muscle on my upper body. my leg fidgeted, of course. but i couldn't even move a single muscle because i was damn scared. he was shouting and calling her names. actually, i remembered what he said. he said 'you bloody rude, stop asking people for money! these people work their ass of everyday, and you just come up to them and ask them for money. you're bloody rude joline. you didn't even say hello to them. you should engage a conversation. ask them how are you, talk a little bit to them, then you can ask for their money.' at this time when he was shouting at her, he was actually standing next to me. i could smell his ganja-ly smell. then he continued 'you don't even need the money. you only need it to give to peter and no wonder peter left you. you bong addicted whore!' she then said, 'shut up! this is a public area, don't make me stand up' then he said 'so what? you need to grow up joline, this is why peter left you! grow up!' and he kept on repeating that no wonder peter left her, up until the tram driver had to ask them to get out of the tram. phewwww! they sat quietly, for the next 3 mins, then they got out of the tram. shit wei! i didn't bring my camera again, or else i would have actually video taped it. this guy was in front of me, beside me, he was very near that his air liur terpelanting at me lah. that close you know! i was scared to death that i thought they were going to kill each other and blood would be all over my new coat. all this thingy that happened in the movie, kononnya lah. over! i know! hahahha!
so far, i've been here 3 weeks and everyday i encountered new things. quite an adventure :)
bodoh lah kuna! padan muka kena padam rokok dalam tangan hahahahahahahahaha tau takot..... hahahahahahahahahaha
siot lah u kuna. i gelak terguling guling ok..... kalau i kat situ i sure gelak kat u sambil tepuk2 belakang you
haiyo woman u damn funny.
wow wow wow wow
lagi hebat dari batman!
at least i tak masuk longkang kutip balik kotak rokok.. kalau u kat sini, i padamkan dlm tangan you..
i lah pengganti batman dlm movie baru dia, next year keluar lah movie tuh.
kuna mmg champion! huhuu
i miss you.huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
i miss you tooo! huwaaaaaaaa
khaf nak belikan i portable ashtray, tak yah padam dlm tangan dah :)
love you too