episode one season one day three
here we go.
episode one season one day three
this is how my grey's anatomy series starts. pilot episode: i met mr. mcdreamy! yeah right. oh, pls! so sweet pls..
second day..

went to encik wan's place for dinner. gila! it was freezing cold. i left house at around 630ish but it was dark already. managed to find my way after sesat for a while. i was supposed to stop at stop number 19 but i was gelabah gelabah, i stopped at stop number 20. there you go, i was 2 blocks away from encik wan's place. so i walked 2 blocks from the tram stop to mr. wan's place. thank god he cooked. trust me, nobody wants to eat my food here. i don't even know if i can cook. maggie maybe. nasi goreng sometimes but seafood pasta with thick creamy white sauce? i don't think so. lucky me he cooked that seafood pasta with thick creamy white sauce. chef wan la kaedahnya, nasib baik perangai tak mcm chef wan. i enjoyed my meal while watching johnny depp in the pirates of caribbean. on the way back, i stopped at 1st heaven (convenient store) to grab a calling card to call my mummy. daybreak dah out of stock! so grabbed joy. joy pun joy lah. that was my second day in melbourne.
third day..

today, woke up late!
went to victoria market.
ate spanish doughnuts.sedap!
bought winter trench coat, finally!
went to city, bought lots of thing at officeworks.
such as sticky notes, files, envelopes, notebooks and notebooks.
later in the evening, i followed jijo to one her many football league.
it was my first time watching all girls playing football.
i must say, its quite interesting. i mean interesting in a good way. so very semangat!
one more thing, jijo is freaking good as a goal keeper. bravo jijo!
they won, 3-0. hebat tak?! go malaysia. malaysia boleh! hahahah
that's all! episode one season one day three.
episode one season one day three
this is how my grey's anatomy series starts. pilot episode: i met mr. mcdreamy! yeah right. oh, pls! so sweet pls..
second day..
went to encik wan's place for dinner. gila! it was freezing cold. i left house at around 630ish but it was dark already. managed to find my way after sesat for a while. i was supposed to stop at stop number 19 but i was gelabah gelabah, i stopped at stop number 20. there you go, i was 2 blocks away from encik wan's place. so i walked 2 blocks from the tram stop to mr. wan's place. thank god he cooked. trust me, nobody wants to eat my food here. i don't even know if i can cook. maggie maybe. nasi goreng sometimes but seafood pasta with thick creamy white sauce? i don't think so. lucky me he cooked that seafood pasta with thick creamy white sauce. chef wan la kaedahnya, nasib baik perangai tak mcm chef wan. i enjoyed my meal while watching johnny depp in the pirates of caribbean. on the way back, i stopped at 1st heaven (convenient store) to grab a calling card to call my mummy. daybreak dah out of stock! so grabbed joy. joy pun joy lah. that was my second day in melbourne.
third day..
today, woke up late!
went to victoria market.
ate spanish doughnuts.sedap!
bought winter trench coat, finally!
went to city, bought lots of thing at officeworks.
such as sticky notes, files, envelopes, notebooks and notebooks.
later in the evening, i followed jijo to one her many football league.
it was my first time watching all girls playing football.
i must say, its quite interesting. i mean interesting in a good way. so very semangat!
one more thing, jijo is freaking good as a goal keeper. bravo jijo!
they won, 3-0. hebat tak?! go malaysia. malaysia boleh! hahahah
that's all! episode one season one day three.
good to know you are settling well. Take care tau! and carik bf matsalleh k. if not, jepun pun can..
i miss you so much it hurts. when are you coming back? i love you.
hi yana,
i miss you too! when are you coming? i love you more than u love me.
miss u kuna!