nano nano?
so many colors. which one to choose?
orange? pink? yellow mustard? black?

they say never judge a book by its cover, i guess they were right. my first week of MBA, my nazi looking lecturer set out some rules to follow. we have to read dozens of journal and summarize it every week, we have to be in class 15 mins earlier or he will lock the doors, we can't talk when he talks. these are some of the rules that he made it clear during our first class. then came dr.phil's twin brother lecturer, he looks like dr.phil, he talks like dr.phil. gosh! disturbing. i feel like i'm in oprah. during the first week, he seems like a funny person, chatty chatty type of person. very nice and funny. we all loved him! after 5 weeks, both of them showed their true colors. the nazi lecturer is the sweetest and nicest lecturer ever! he brought us to lunch. he gives good tips on how to do a good paper, i guess he is just strict academically, because he wants a good paper from us. dr.phil is starting to get a bit nazi-ish. he is so garang! i'm having a lunch break now, but then puasa. so, i'm here in the computer lab bitching about my lecturers. ahhaha! one hour to go, then back to dr.phil.
talking about oprah, yesterday's oprah was about oprah and gayle look-a-like. of course they picked someone who looked like oprah to be there, but they should have seen sophia! sophia would have won the contest anytime! and i would be there to teman sophia meet oprah. i think i should send her pictures to oprah, that way ill get to go and meet oprah. hmmm.. who knows i'll get some presents too. like a car maybe? hahhaha. perasan!
i've been here for two months already. i first met him during my third or forth week here. i can't remember. very tall, botak, badan sedap sedap, handsome! i can pengsan if i stare at his eyes. i usually meet him in the morning, or maybe after work. depends. if it's in the morning, its at the train station. if after work, we will hop on the same tram. i can roughly figure out what time he'll catch the tram. we will then stop at the same stop, nearby my place. i'll turn right, he'll walk straight up the road. that's it. so far, he is the only good looking guy i think there is in melbourne.
he's so good looking but i don't know his name.
he is just a stranger who lives nearby my place, who happens to be damn hot!
orange? pink? yellow mustard? black?

they say never judge a book by its cover, i guess they were right. my first week of MBA, my nazi looking lecturer set out some rules to follow. we have to read dozens of journal and summarize it every week, we have to be in class 15 mins earlier or he will lock the doors, we can't talk when he talks. these are some of the rules that he made it clear during our first class. then came dr.phil's twin brother lecturer, he looks like dr.phil, he talks like dr.phil. gosh! disturbing. i feel like i'm in oprah. during the first week, he seems like a funny person, chatty chatty type of person. very nice and funny. we all loved him! after 5 weeks, both of them showed their true colors. the nazi lecturer is the sweetest and nicest lecturer ever! he brought us to lunch. he gives good tips on how to do a good paper, i guess he is just strict academically, because he wants a good paper from us. dr.phil is starting to get a bit nazi-ish. he is so garang! i'm having a lunch break now, but then puasa. so, i'm here in the computer lab bitching about my lecturers. ahhaha! one hour to go, then back to dr.phil.
talking about oprah, yesterday's oprah was about oprah and gayle look-a-like. of course they picked someone who looked like oprah to be there, but they should have seen sophia! sophia would have won the contest anytime! and i would be there to teman sophia meet oprah. i think i should send her pictures to oprah, that way ill get to go and meet oprah. hmmm.. who knows i'll get some presents too. like a car maybe? hahhaha. perasan!
i've been here for two months already. i first met him during my third or forth week here. i can't remember. very tall, botak, badan sedap sedap, handsome! i can pengsan if i stare at his eyes. i usually meet him in the morning, or maybe after work. depends. if it's in the morning, its at the train station. if after work, we will hop on the same tram. i can roughly figure out what time he'll catch the tram. we will then stop at the same stop, nearby my place. i'll turn right, he'll walk straight up the road. that's it. so far, he is the only good looking guy i think there is in melbourne.
he's so good looking but i don't know his name.
he is just a stranger who lives nearby my place, who happens to be damn hot!
anyway, i told you we should just send sophia's picture. the thing is right..their character also almost the same! sure we will win this thing!!
so, org yg menang tu rupa sama ke tak?
so funny la u.
kuna u working there?
awat aunty tak cerita pun?
just dropping by to say hi...
& i miss melbourne~!!
yg menang tuh ala ala sama tapi sophia lagi sama. bila nak hantar gambar sophia ni?
aunty dzu,
that guy is seriously the only good looking guy in melbourne.
no lah im not working here..
mana plak hang dengaq cik kerja sini?
nak jual apa? body?
ahahhahaha tak laku laaa
hi aishah!
come to melbourne..
how does he look like?
get the orange or yellow one. id choose any of that. but up to you.
i am so full right now im going to regret it tomorrow.
love you.
he looks delicious i wanna eat him!
i still can't decide, red? orange?
i'm so hungry right now.