your eyes are doing that thing where they don't match your mouth

life is not like what it looks like in tv series.
weird much? relationships especially, are not as easy as what it looks like. it could be wonderful to have a boyfriend as hot as nate archibald, as nice as dan humphrey and as bastard as chuck bass. but they are all characters. characters that are made up by some genius who makes me wonder when am i going to get a guy like nate. sadly, in the real world you can't have a guy like nate or dan or chuck. hmm.. maybe you'll get chuck if you're lucky.
winter is almost over.
i know this might be quite in the open.
winter fling is no longer in the picture. was it winter fling or holiday fling?
is there one? hahahha. i can't remember.
office fling is feeling rather upset with my decision. i'm sorry i can't please everyone. i choose who i wanna please and sorry your name is not in the list. evil gedevil? i know!
blair is evil. so what? she only went out with james to make chuck jealous. the only difference between me and blair is when i confessed, he got upset. when blair confessed, james turn out to be a lord from england. so cinderella! whereas, in reality you get a silent treatment and a broken friendship. i should have listened to sheffer and back off when i could have and would have not make him upset.
shoulda, coulda, woulda?
i just realized that all the guys i dated or admired starts with letter A. hmmmmmm.. what a coincidence? oooh ya, in between there is an I. whatever! I or A, doesn't matter, it didn't work out. i should try to date a guy that starts with Q. are girls nowadays very choosy and picky on who they wanna spend the rest of their life with? am i choosy? i don't think choosy is the word. i think girls nowadays are wiser than the girls three decades ago. we know what is good and best for us. i think three decades ago, they just take whatever is in front of them, so that they won't miss out on anything. today, it's very much different. even kids nowadays are very smart, if they want burger, they don't want sausages. try giving them sausages, they'll throw it away i guess. during my time, if i want burger but my mom had alredy cooked sausages, i'll have to bloody eat those sausages or i'll starve myself. i don't think we are choosy, i think we are just looking for a better option.
blurgh. let me explain.. my tortuous entry on this beautiful sunny day is because of last night's funny conversation with sheffer. i was about to sleep when i plan to have a good dream, but was then interrupted by sheffer's evil gedevil statement. i couldn't sleep and i kept on thinking about it.
sheffer, you bitchass! duduk dlm bilik tuala! hishhhh!
oh ya, my rambling thoughts tidak berniat utk menyakiti mana mana pihak yg terasa. mohon maaf dipinta jika terguris perasaan mana mana pihak. sorry =)
'Q' is my next aim. hahahhahahha