baby boy you stay on my mind

pretty girl on the right is going to give birth to a baby boy somewhere next week, insyaAllah.
i cannot wait!!!
the left girl is also pretty, and single. hahahah!
that picture was taken when she was 6 months pregnant and now she's about to give birth.
it felt only like yesterday she told me the news.
but that was 38 weeks ago.
sigh! i didn't even realise it is August already.
life was too hectic or chaotic i guess.
one morning, i don't remember when..
i heard it on the radio
the guess speaker who is a counselor or advisor or something like that
he was saying how adults nowadays are too busy with work and other commitments
they are constantly planning or worrying about their future life
they forgot about their present life
he said something about we like to plan about our future, next year, next month, next year
that we didn't realise what is happening today.
i guess i could relate to that.
ask me what i did two days ago, i can't remember
ask me where am i going next month, next year, next two years..
i'll write two pages about it.
i'm missing on my current life by constantly planning what's ahead
i think i should start living in the now world.
i'll start with this newborn baby that is about to enter this world next week.
sssssseeee! doing it again! sibuk about next week..
ok, start to live in the now.
now, i'm going to sleep.