
i'm bored.
the office is a fun place to observe human behaviour.
i'm currently observing few people.
some are just annoying, some are fun and playful.
most of us are just plain boring.
damn! i miss Melbourne.
i miss :
chocotop ice cream
max brenner's belgian waffle with chocolate and strawberries
baba budan coffee
sup bontot goreng
nasi goreng kambing
Brunettis' dessert & pastry
spinach pesto pasta
Degraves Lane doughnut
croque mushroom from Laurent
Lygon Street pizza & pasta
sushi & seafood in cream sauce from Kanpai
fasting and thinking about food is not helping my groggy tummy.
i should stop there.
selamat berbuka to all.
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah.