morning cigarettes

For the past one month since i started my first real job, i barely have time to watch tv or surf the internet. At the office, I don't even have time to pee! I don't even know what day it is sometimes, i only take note on the date but not what day. I won't say i'm super busy, i'm just busy with learning all new stuff and getting to know all this shipping terms. It may sound easy but actually it's not. Although work officially ends at 530pm, i usually finish work at 7 or maybe 730pm, and those 2 extra hours make a difference for tomorrow. I would say that I'm a workaholic. I like my work and I like doing work, especially doing the invoicing, and all this billing thingy lah. How long will i enjoy doing all this routine? I don't know. One thing for sure is, I will have to work there for the next 8 years.

Saturday morning, 10 am and I just got back from work. Not to say work lah actually, my department organized a golf tournament for our mc members, so I was part of their committee. I had to wake up at 5am to get there by 6am and set up the whole thing before the vip and vvip arrive. I wonder how golf can make my dad wakes up at 5am because he normally gets up at 10am. In fact, as i was ushering one of them, he told me how golf is a miracle where it makes everybody wakes up early. Well, not everyone wants to wake up that early!

Last night was wondermilk cuppacakes showcase. Their cuppacakes are damn good! Rugi sesiapa tak dtg smalam. Makan free! :)
I want to know how the crowd responded to a smack of jellyfish. Whether they like it? Buy it? Too expensive maybe?
