good morning james!

few exciting things happened this week..
my (non-gatal) boss called to check on me
bought some plants for my house, i hope tak mati soon
went to the beach with amoi, so funny i almost peed in my pants
train broke down because it was so hot, wtf?
got a news from home that i'm going be her aunty in june, can't wait to see her!
woke up late almost everyday, except for today.
just got to know, drinking coffee more than seven cups a day can cause hallucination
there's an ad in the newspaper, looking for someone who wants to do a documentary on diving. all i have to do is stay on an island for probably a month or so, blog everyday on what you do, feed the fish, go diving, clean the ocean. i will get $15,000. should i?

i have to do a presentation in 1 hour and 15 mins but i'm in front of the computer, blogging. how great is that?
i have to get ready now.
see you soon!


khafidha said…
i read about it too. i think you should. i can take a whole year off and chill with you.
Kuna Ismail said…
i know i should, i want! but the damn thing starts 1st July. abuden? chill by the beach and skype wedding? i don't think so.