a thousand is not enough

"picture is worth a thousand words" refers to a complex idea that can be interpreted with a single still image, in which can be easily understood by everyone compared to words.

a particular picture, conveyed a single message with a million of words gushing through my mind. although i can't really interpret the exact emotion that were portrayed in that picture, i knew it wasn't something dark. maybe grey. despite all that, i am really concern of my emotions and how i feel with that picture. didn't feel anything at all. nothing at all. probably the same feeling i felt when i saw the characters in the picture. shocked maybe? oh come on...i've seen the two real life, what more could a picture do to me? pfftt!

lately, i've been having trouble understanding my feelings. hahahahhahaha! i think that department needs to be restructured. as stupid as it sounds, it is true. i can't differentiate if it's happy, sad, angry, scared, jealous, overwhelmed, irritated, annoyed, joy or just plain alright. most days, i feel plain alright. i can't even freaking a give a good reason to justify my actions. why i behaved the way i did? i think its annoying and irritating, but i'm not sure if it's that, or it's lazy or scared or just plain nothing.

now i don't feel anything.

nothing....and still nothing.

(10 minutes later)
ahaaaa! i feel something now...

i feel like i need to sleep.

my brain is working like a binary number.
1-OK, 0-crazy
since today is 10.10.10
my brain is 101010.

thanks for reading my rubbish for today. hehehehhehe

buona notte!
