I couldn't if I tried

It's Friday, 7 pm and i'm still at the office.
Lame! I know!
There are some things I need to resolve though nobody is around.
I'm pissed off! Because...
Whatever happens lah
Like that somebody who likes to use 'whatever happens'..
WTF! I want to go back :(
I'm not in the mood, im in a bad mood!
I'm hungry I can eat this bloody pc to myself now
And only God knows what will happen if I dont get food now!
God and my girls..


Anonymous said…
pissed off?
because of whatever happens?
tsk tsk... we can plan, but tuhan yg menentukan what..... chill la.
take it easy, japanesey...
Kuna Ismail said…
pissed off not because of whatever happens
because of that stupid work lah..
lambat tau balik :(
its ok..whatever happens
i have to chill and take it esasy
so here i am..
chilling.. :)
relax, take it easy...
Anonymous said…
you shuold try harder...
it is not too late kunta kintay :)

second chance won't kill..
Anonymous said…
work harder? maybe i should just have fun harder..
Anonymous said…
not about work...
second chance for your previous relationship :)
Kuna Ismail said…
why look back when im super duper happy with what i have now?

i gave myself a second chance for a relationship and now im happy :)

thanks stinky dinky