17 down 4 more to go!

lip lap lip lap, i have 4 more days to go
i cannot wait to go back to my fun-boring-pathetic life
though to some, my life is boring but it's fun!
terengganu is soooooo not my cuppatea
everyone is so different
there are zillions personality of ppl i meet here
some are nice, some are not
i'm trying to make the best out of this thing
i wish tomorrow is friday
wednesday i'll be going to kerteh
yay! i hope afiq can come and pick me up
where to go? i don't know
maybe tgk rumah rumah api yg cantik
hahahha.. pathetic
but as long as there is someone that i'm familiar, it's okay!
mcm org baru keluar hutan lah
i better go, battery running low.

you, take care and makan ubat! i'll see you friday :)
girls, i miss u terribly!
nanti kita main wii


Anonymous said…
my dearest kuna,

we'll have our normal sleepovers at a roundabout away when you get back alright? i miss you like shit wei and its not funny anymore (ala neesha). i love you.

big big big hug,
ifzan ibrahim said…
dah makan ubat dah....

i rasa i demam sebab i tiramissyou....
see u soon
Kuna Ismail said…
my dearest yana,

i miss you like shit also wei. it's not funny at all! i love you very muchh

big bigg bigg hug
Kuna Ismail said…
bagus laa dah makan ubat
i miss you too, see ya :)