scar, go away!

i have so many scars, i dont need another.
on my leg, on my hand, on my face!
what do i do to get rid of it?
blargh! i hate it.
it's so ugly.
tried putting lotion, bio oil, scar cream.
maybe i should try minyak masak.
ha ha ha. not funny, kuna.
i don't remember how i got them, it's just there.
maybe scars are there to make you remember the memories of those scars.
oh ya, the one on my leg is because of a mosquito bite.
first it was a mosquito bite, then after months of scratching it
it turned into an infection, then after it popped, scar.
what a process. pfft!
on my hands, ermm.. just cuts.
from knife and paper cuts.
now, a new wound on my hand.
after the process, it will join the scar team.
when is this wound going to heal and join the scar team?
maybe scars are there to remind us of our life events.
i should keep track of my scars from now on.

okay, survivor dah start.
bye :)


popcornelvis said…
suka gila u ngan survivor.heh heh
masa kat sana ke...or masa u kat sini pun dah fanatic?
Kuna Ismail said…
suka gila gila!
dulu dulu masa kat sana ada, pastu ntv 7 cancel. so dah takde kat sana.
nasib baik kat sini ada. hooray!
Anonymous said…
kuna you damn kecoh but kecoh cute! hahaha